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The strongest CBD gummies can contain up to 60 milligrams (mg) of CBD. For people new to CDB, their effects can be noticeable. Brands like Medterra and CBDfx offer strong or extra strength CBD gummies.

Is CBD legal?The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the legal definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. This made some hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC federally legal. However, CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC still fall under the legal definition of marijuana, making them federally illegal but legal under some state laws. Be sure to check state laws, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that the FDA has not approved nonprescription CBD products, and some products may be inaccurately labeled.

Medical News Today chooses products that meet the following criteria:

  • Ingredients: All CBD products contain safe and high quality ingredients, and their labels state all ingredients clearly. They should also confirm they are free from pesticides, heavy metals, and mold.
  • Dosage: Products contain or recommend a safe serving size of cannabidiol (CBD). The label should clearly state the dosage.
  • Third-party labs: Products undergo third-party testing for contaminants by an ISO 17025-compliant laboratory.
  • Available certificate of analysis: The company demonstrates transparency and shares the product’s certificate of analysis (COA) following lab results.
  • Potency: Products contain higher than average CBD.

As part of our updates process, we regularly check the products in our articles to make sure they continue to pass our rigorous vetting criteria. If any no longer meet our standards, we will replace them with similar options we think our readers will love.

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Medical News Today has tested some of the products below. Reviewers may have received some products from the manufacturers for free, which does not influence their review. All opinions are the reviewers’ own.

Below, we compare the products in this article by price, strength, and number of gummies per container:

List priceCBD per gummyCount
Cornbread Hemp$79.9950 mg30
CBDfx$84.9950 mg60
R&R CBD$8060 mg30
Medterra$59.99 or $90.9925 mg 30 or 60

The following are some of the key factors a person should consider when shopping for strong CBD gummies:

  • Reasons for taking CBD: There is limited scientific evidence to support CBD’s many purported medical benefits, and there are very few studies that include high doses of CBD. As such, people should treat any health claims CBD brands commonly make about anxiety, pain, and sleep problems with caution.
  • CBD potency: If a person has more severe symptoms of a health condition, such as anxiety or pain, they may think a stronger CBD gummy will be more effective. However, extra strength CBD gummies may cause more noticeable side effects. People who are not used to taking CBD should start with a low dose and work up until they get their desired effect without exceeding the recommended dose on the product packaging. Those with severe symptoms of a health condition looking to treat them with CBD should speak with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about CBD before trying it.
  • THC content: Full-spectrum CBD gummies may be stronger than their broad-spectrum and isolate counterparts, but they may also contain THC. Even though most CBD products do not contain levels of THC that could cause psychoactive effects, they could contain enough to yield a positive drug test. Some people may want to avoid ingesting any amount of THC regardless of their need for drug testing.
  • Origin of the hemp: Some U.S. states have longer histories and more positive reputations for hemp and cannabis cultivation, such as Kentucky, Colorado, and Oregon. Hemp grown outside the U.S. is not subject to state or federal testing.
  • Third-party testing, or COAs: COAs mean the company selling the CBD product tested it at a third-party lab to check its strength and whether it is free from contaminants. Many CBD products provide information about obtaining their test results on their websites or via QR codes on the product packaging.

Learn more about how to buy CBD.

Many CBD manufacturers recommend people new to CBD start low and go slow. This means taking less than the recommended dosage and increasing the dosage gradually until the person gets the desired effect.

In addition to gummies, a person can take CBD as a tincture, capsule, or topical application. Tinctures may be one of the most efficient ways to enjoy CBD’s effects, but they may not be as discreet or convenient as an edible gummy.

Considering why people want to take CBD can help them find the best method to meet their needs.

It is a good idea for people to consult a qualified healthcare professional before starting CBD in any form, particularly extra strength CBD gummies.

Since research does not support many of the supposed medical benefits of CBD and there are health hazards of CBD to consider, a person should discuss their health concerns with a doctor before taking CBD.

In this article, the levels of CBD in each gummy range from 12.5 mg to 60 mg. CBD generally has a positive safety profile, but there are instances of people taking it in excess and having serious medical complications.

For example, a 2020 case report details the hospitalization of a 56-year-old man who became barely conscious after eating 2 gummies containing 370 mg of CBD in total.

The strongest CBD gummy available to buy is 60 mg per gummy. CBD content is not the only factor affecting the intensity of a gummy.

Some gummies featuring with full-spectrum hemp extract may have stronger effects due to the entourage effect that the cannabinoids and terpenes working together can produce.

Gummies containing additional active ingredients, such as melatonin and caffeine, can also be powerful.

Yes, 100 mg of CBD per gummy is a strong dose and unsuitable for beginners and those more sensitive to CBD’s effects. People should not take large doses of CBD without consulting a doctor first.

Full-spectrum CBD has the potential to be the strongest type of CBD available as it contains all of the compounds within the cannabis plant, including THC.

The most potent CBD products offer up to 12,000 mg of CBD. However, this potency is usually unsuitable for beginners. People instead need to gradually increase their CBD doses until they get their desired effect without exceeding the product’s recommended doses.

CBD gummies typically come in packs of 30, meaning there would be around 16 mg per gummy in a pack with a 500 mg potency.

CBD gummies are edibles infused with varying amounts of CBD. CBD has some anecdotal benefits, but clinical research is needed to support any health claims.

Even without supporting data, CBD gummies are very popular.

Before buying CBD gummies, a person can talk with a qualified healthcare professional and research brands that suit their needs and preferences.