There is no standard smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) diet. However, researchers are investigating the impact of plant-based diets emphasizing whole foods on SMM.

SMM is a slow-growing form of precancerous myeloma in which the plasma cells make too much of a certain type of protein.

Plasma cells are types of white blood cells present in bone marrow. Myeloma is a type of cancer that can develop from these cells.

SMM does not typically present any symptoms and a person may require regular tests to monitor its progression.

Research is currently taking place to investigate whether following a certain type of diet may help slow the progression of SMM.

In this article, we will discuss what an SMM diet may involve, what the health benefits may be, what a person should eat and avoid, and the potential risks of following the diet.

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There is no standard diet for SMM. One risk factor for SMM is a diet low in plant-based foods. Therefore, people with SMM may want to try following a plant-based diet that has an emphasis on eating whole foods and limits the intake of processed, fried, or high-sugar foods.

Research into the efficacy of following a plant-based, whole food diet to help slow the progression of SMM is ongoing.

A person should always speak with a healthcare professional before significantly changing their dietary habits.

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Research from 2023 suggests that if a person has obesity, they may be more at risk of developing SMM. They may also be more at risk of SMM becoming actively cancerous.

A 2020 systematic review suggests that following a plant-based diet may help to aid weight loss and lower a person’s body mass index (BMI).

A 2022 review of research suggests that following a plant-based diet may help to improve survival if a person with SMM does develop active cancer.

There are several other potential benefits of following a plant-based diet, which may include:

However, a plant-based diet may not be suitable for everyone and a person should speak with their doctor before making any significant changes to their diet.

A person with SMM may want to try following a vegan, whole food, or plant-based diet. This type of diet is typically low in fat, includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limits processed foods.

There are several foods a person may want to include in an SMM diet, such as:

A person with SMM should aim to limit processed and convenience foods as much as possible.

If a person is following a plant-based diet, they should try to limit certain foods, including:

  • Refined grains such as white bread, pasta, and rice.
  • Products with added sugar, such as:
    • candy bars
    • cakes
    • cookies
    • pastries
    • sugary cereals
  • Sweetened beverages such as fruit drinks, soda, and energy drinks.
  • Fried foods or foods with added oils.
  • Meat, fish, or dairy products.

However, a person should speak with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to their diet.

Before following an SMM diet, a person should speak with a doctor to assess whether the diet is suitable for them. The diet may not be suitable for children, young people, people who are pregnant, or people who are breastfeeding.

For example, research from 2023 suggests that following a vegan diet may present certain risks such as nutritional deficiencies and an increase in the chance of developing mental health issues. Some of the potential risks include:

SMM is a form of precancer, which can develop in the plasma cells of bone marrow.

People with SMM may want to try following a vegan or plant-based diet that focuses on whole grains, limits processed foods, and avoids refined grains and sugars.

A person following an SMM diet should aim to include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and proteins such as tofu. A person should try to limit refined grains, sugary products, and processed foods.

People should speak with a health professional before starting any new diet plan. Plant-based diets may not be suitable for everyone and may lead to nutritional deficiencies in some cases.