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Omron, one of the world’s leading blood pressure monitor manufacturers, says that people can use its technology to monitor their blood pressure rather than just checking it. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves each of Omron’s blood pressure monitors.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading preventable risk factor for heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, peripheral artery disease, arrhythmia, and other forms of heart disease. Monitoring blood pressure may help healthcare professionals determine whether a person needs treatment for their hypertension and evaluate the effectiveness of that treatment.

A blood pressure test is a common feature of doctor’s visits. However, individuals can also check their blood pressure themselves, using devices such as an Omron blood pressure monitor.

With its headquarters in Kyoto, Japan, and its blood pressure monitors available in more than 110 countries, Omron describes itself as a global health technology manufacturer. The company states that it strives to improve health outcomes for the millions of people living with high blood pressure by enhancing access to accurate blood pressure information.

The company says that it is “going for zero” in aiming to eliminate heart attacks and strokes.

At-home blood pressure monitoring is a widely recommended process for those with hypertension, including those with borderline high blood pressure who are not yet receiving treatment. It is a painless, quick process that most people easily adapt to, but the potential downsides include:

  • inaccurate data
  • increased anxiety, which could affect the results
  • the temptation to self-diagnose and make treatment decisions based on the readings without consulting a medical professional

After purchasing an at-home blood pressure monitor, a person should take it to their next doctor’s appointment so that they can learn how to use it properly, check its accuracy, and understand more about what the results indicate.

The benefits of at-home blood pressure monitoring include:

  • getting a more accurate reading from people with “white coat hypertension,” which is when blood pressure goes up around healthcare professionals
  • tracking the way an individual’s blood pressure responds to treatment
  • encouraging interventions to lower blood pressure and improve blood pressure control
  • making it easier to take frequent blood pressure readings
  • saving people time and money compared with in-office readings

The key qualities to look for in a home blood pressure monitor include:

  • meeting validation standards for clinical accuracy
  • automated operation
  • designed to fit around the upper arm with differently sized cuffs to accommodate various body shapes
  • options to print the data, store the information, or electronically send it to a healthcare professional

At-home blood pressure monitors range significantly in price, largely according to the number of features they offer. Before making a purchase decision, individuals should determine what features they need. For instance, some people might want an electrocardiogram (EKG) reading function and Bluetooth connectivity.

A person with health insurance may also wish to check their policy to see whether they have sufficient cover for these devices.

Omron sells EKG devices, pedometers, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) pain management devices, in addition to several blood pressure monitors that are all FDA-approved.

Below, we look at some of the Omron monitors that a person may consider.

Please note that the writer of this article has not tried these products. All information is purely research-based.

Complete Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor + EKG

This high-end Omron blood pressure monitor also takes EKG readings.

It detects and measures atrial fibrillation (AFib), tachycardia, bradycardia, and sinus rhythms, as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rates.

It may, therefore, be a good choice for people with AFib.

It can store up to 90 blood pressure measurements and offers Bluetooth connectivity via the Omron Connect mobile application, so a person can send their data directly to a doctor.

It comes with a D-ring cuff that fits arms with a circumference of 9–17 inches (in).

10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

This Omron blood pressure monitor is equipped with a dual LCD monitor and built with technology to minimize the impact of breath and movement on readings. It helps people compare their blood pressure test results and find the average.

It automatically takes readings at customizable intervals, and a hypertension indicator alerts individuals to high blood pressure readings.

This device can connect to both iOS and Android electronic devices via Bluetooth.

Evolv Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

This Omron blood pressure monitor is a one-piece unit. The cuff fits arms with a 9–17-in circumference, and the monitor sits on the upper arm.

The company’s advanced accuracy heart health algorithm allows the device to measure and collect data without wires. It can store up to 200 readings for two different people.

Bluetooth connectivity sends data to a person’s iOS or Android smart device, and the free Omron Connect app provides unlimited memory storage and tracking. The app also connects with Amazon Alexa-enabled devices.

5 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

This device includes a soft, contoured cuff that fits arms with a circumference of 9–17 in. It can store up to 60 readings for one user. The monitor automatically averages and displays the three most recent readings from the last 10 minutes.

Individuals can also use the free Omron Connect app to store data from multiple users for review or sharing with healthcare professionals.

Additional features include an irregular heartbeat alert and a hypertension indicator.

3 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

People can activate this Omron blood pressure monitor, which is one of the most affordable options, straight from the box with just one touch.

It can store up to 14 different blood pressure readings and lets users know if they had an irregular heartbeat during the reading.

The wide-range D-ring cuff can accommodate arms with a circumference of between 9 and 17 in. The monitor has a large display that the manufacturer has designed to be easy to read.

High blood pressure is both a very common and potentially very serious condition. At-home blood pressure monitoring is a widely recommended practice that can complement ongoing medical supervision and treatment.

Omron is one of the world’s leading at-home blood pressure monitor manufacturers. Alongside other personal medical devices, Omron sells a number of different at-home blood pressure monitors, with the prices reflecting the number of features on offer.

Each Omron blood pressure monitor is FDA-approved.