Orgovyx (relugolix) is a brand-name drug prescribed for advanced prostate cancer in adults. Orgovyx comes as an oral tablet that’s typically taken once per day.

Orgovyx belongs to a drug class called gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonists (GnRH blockers). Orgovyx is a type of hormone therapy for prostate cancer. It’s not available in a generic version.

Keep reading for specific information about the dosage of Orgovyx, including its strength and how to take the medication. For a comprehensive look at Orgovyx, see this article.

Note: This article describes the typical dosage of Orgovyx provided by the drug’s manufacturer. When taking Orgovyx, always follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

The information below describes the typical dosage of Orgovyx and other details about the drug.

Orgovyx form

Orgovyx comes as an oral tablet.

Orgovyx strength

Orgovyx comes in one strength of 120 milligrams (mg).

Typical dosage

The following information describes the dosage that’s commonly prescribed or recommended. However, be sure to take the dosage your doctor prescribes for you. Your doctor will determine the best dosage to fit your needs. In some cases, doctors may adjust your dosage from those shown below.

Orgovyx treatment uses two kinds of doses. The loading dose is your first dose. It “loads” your system with Orgovyx to help it work faster. The maintenance dose is your regular dose for continued treatment.

Dosage for advanced prostate cancer

Doctors may prescribe Orgovyx to treat advanced prostate cancer. This includes locally advanced cancer (cancer that has spread nearby) and metastatic cancer. Doctors may also prescribe Orgovyx for advanced prostate cancer that has relapsed (returned) after previous treatment.

If your doctor prescribes Orgovyx, your loading dose will likely be 360 mg (3 tablets). You’ll take this once, on the first day of treatment. Starting the next day, you’ll continue with a maintenance dose of 120 mg (1 tablet), taken once per day.

If your doctor needs to pause your Orgovyx treatment, they may repeat the loading dose when restarting the drug.

For more information about your specific dosage, talk with your doctor.

How to take Orgovyx

Orgovyx comes as a tablet that you swallow whole, with or without food. Do not split, crush, or chew the tablets. If you have trouble swallowing tablets, consult your doctor or see this article for tips on taking them.

You should try to take Orgovyx around the same time of day. This helps maintain a steady level of the drug in your body so it can work effectively.

If you take certain other medications, your doctor may have you take them 6 hours or more after your Orgovyx dose. (To learn more about these medications, see the “Interactions” section of this article.)

If you have questions about how to take Orgovyx, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Do not stop or change your dose without your doctor’s advice.

Note: For disposal, do not flush the tablets down the toilet. To learn more, find out how to safely discard drugs of different types.

Long-term treatment

Orgovyx is meant to be a long-term treatment. However, how long you’ll take Orgovyx may depend on how well it’s working and whether it causes serious side effects. If you and your doctor feel that Orgovyx is safe and effective for you, you’ll likely take it long term.

Before you start taking Orgovyx, your doctor will discuss your treatment plan with you. If you have questions about how long you can expect to take Orgovyx, talk with your doctor.


Some pharmacies offer labels with large print, braille, or a code you scan with a smartphone to convert text to speech. If your local pharmacy doesn’t have these options, your doctor or pharmacist might be able to recommend a pharmacy that does.

Below are some frequently asked questions about Orgovyx and dosage.

What does testosterone recovery look like after Orgovyx?

Testosterone levels may return to what they were before Orgovyx treatment (back to baseline level). In the drug’s clinical trials, 55% of people recovered testosterone levels 90 days after a 48-week course of the medication. However, everyone is different and recovery varies depending on certain factors.

Orgovyx treats prostate cancer by lowering the level of testosterone (a hormone known as an androgen). This type of treatment is called androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).

A 2019 study found that testosterone recovery may depend on your age and how long you receive ADT. Two years after ADT, testosterone had recovered in most participants, but levels remained low in 1 out of 10 people. Testosterone levels recovered sooner in people under 65 years old who received ADT for less than 6 months. (Note that the study doesn’t state the specific type of ADT.)

Talk with your doctor if you have questions about what to expect after Orgovyx treatment.

What should I do for a missed dose of Orgovyx?

If you notice that you’ve missed a dose of Orgovyx and you remember within 12 hours, take the dose. If it’s been more than 12 hours since you were supposed to take it, skip the missed dose, and then take the next scheduled dose at the usual time the following day. Do not take two doses to make up for the missed dose.

If you’re not sure whether you should take a missed dose or skip it, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

It’s important that you do not take more Orgovyx than your doctor prescribes. For some medications, taking more than the recommended amount may lead to increased side effects, harmful effects, or overdose.

If you take more than the recommended amount of Orgovyx

Call your doctor right away if you believe you’ve taken too much Orgovyx. Another option is to call America’s Poison Centers at 800-222-1222 or use its online tool. If you have severe symptoms, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number, or go to the nearest emergency room.

For more information about your condition and its treatment, you can explore our prostate cancer hub.

Disclaimer: Medical News Today has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.