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Many people use cannabidiol (CBD) to help relieve stress. Here, we look at some top picks that have been vetted by our medical experts and share some firsthand product reviews to help guide your CBD journey.

We selected these CBD products for stress based on criteria we think are good indicators of safety, quality, and transparency.

As a part of our vetting process, we consider:

  • the product’s composition, ingredients, and overall quality
  • any third-party certifications
  • the company’s reputation and business practices
  • any lab test results
  • marketing claims

Read more about how we vet products and brands.

Medical News Today has tested some of the products below. Reviewers may have received some products from the manufacturers for free, which does not influence their review. All opinions are the reviewers’ own.

The table below compares each of the CBD products in this article for price, dose, and more.

FormCBD typeCBD dosePrice per mg
Cornbread Hempgummiesfull-spectrum25 mg per gummy$0.03 to $0.10
Joy Organics Gummiesgummiesbroad-spectrum10 to 25 mg per gummy$0.13
CBDfxbath bombisolate200 mg per bath bomb$0.05
Charlotte’s Webcapsulesfull-spectrum25 mg per capsule$0.04
Lazarus Naturalsbalmfull-spectrum800 to 3,600 mg per tin$0.01 to $0.02
Joy Organics Massageoilfull-spectrum500 mg per bottle$0.10

There are several factors people should consider when buying CBD for stress, including:

  • Budget: The prices for CBD products vary widely. Stronger products are generally more expensive. Those who are new to CBD may wish to buy a less potent, more affordable product to see if it produces the effects they want.
  • Dose: CBD doses typically range from 5–50 mg of CBD per serving. People who want stronger effects may wish to try a more potent product, although they may be unsuitable for people new to CBD. Ideally, a person should start at a low dose and work up to a dose that produces the effect they want.
  • CBD type: Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate formulas contain different ranges of cannabinoids. Full- and broad-spectrum can contain THC. People who want to avoid THC should look for THC-free or CBD isolate products.
  • Ingredients: People should only buy CBD products that clearly list all of the ingredients. People may also wish to choose products with organic ingredients, and they should check their chosen product does not contain ingredients they are allergic to. Many companies use coconut or sunflower seed oil, which can be allergens for some people.
  • Testing: It is important to check that CBD products have gone through third-party testing and that the company provides the results online. Third-party testing verifies that the products contain the ingredients the company lists and they match the potency on the product labeling.

CBD may help with stress as it can enhance the endocannabinoid system. This is a system that sends signals to the brain to help try to manage and reduce stress.

According to 2023 research, CBD products show potential for reducing stress-related behaviors. However, the researchers say that only limited data is available and further research into CBD products for stress is necessary.

Further research highlights CBD as an enhancer of the endocannabinoid system that may be a safe and beneficial treatment for stress. In a review of seven trials, the researchers say all trials show CBD as an effective stress reducer.

However, there is limited research into how CBD helps with stress and further research is necessary into this topic.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only approved one CBD product for medical use. It is called Epidiolex, and doctors prescribe it to treat severe forms of epilepsy. Because the FDA has approved this drug, there are recommended dosages people can follow.

However, no other CBD products have these set guidelines because they are not FDA-approved. The best dosage will depend on the product and how a person uses it. CBD oils, capsules, gummies, and topical products will have different dosage instructions.

People should speak with a qualified healthcare professional before using CBD to discuss the best dosage for their needs. CBD may not be safe for everyone to use.

Those interested in CBD should start at the lowest possible dose and work until they get the desired effect.

Learn more about correct CBD dosages.

2019 research found that the majority of people tested can tolerate CBD well. However, scientists are still researching the long-term effects of CBD.

Potential CBD side effects include:

For more information and resources on CBD and CBD products, please visit our dedicated hub.

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There is some evidence that CBD can benefit stress and anxiety. However, research is ongoing, and there are no set guidelines on how much to take or the long-term effects of taking CBD for stress and anxiety.

A person should speak with a healthcare professional before taking CBD for this purpose.

There is limited research into the best type of CBD for stress. People looking for more potent effects may wish to try full- or broad-spectrum CBD. However, starting with a low dose and building up is best.

How quickly a person will feel the effects of their CBD product will depend on the type of product they use, how they administer it, and the dose.

Although scientific research into the effects of CBD on stress is limited, recent studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that it can be beneficial.

People can choose from CBD gummies, oils, capsules, and topical products.

Anyone considering CBD for stress should speak with a healthcare professional before using it.

Is CBD legal?The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the legal definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. This made some hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC federally legal. However, CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC still fall under the legal definition of marijuana, making them federally illegal but legal under some state laws. Be sure to check state laws, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that the FDA has not approved nonprescription CBD products, and some products may be inaccurately labeled.