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Air purifiers for dust remove dust particles from the air, making them good options for people with asthma and allergy symptoms. Although more expensive, the best options will have several filters and work quietly.

Below we review some of the best air purifiers for dust.

The table below compares each of the air purifiers for dust in this article for price, filter type, and more.

PriceFilter typeDust CADRDecibel rangeSuggested room size
Blueairaround $320polypropylene filter, activated carbon250 cfm31 to 56 dB540 sq ft
Honeywellaround $220pre-filter, HEPA filter
190 cfm
60 dB310 sq ft
Cowayaround $230pre-filter, deodorization filter, HEPA filter, vital ionizer246 cfm24 to 53 dB361 sq ft
LEVOITaround $90pre-filter, true HEPA filter, activated carbon40 cfmaround 50 dB516 sq ft
Winixaround $250pre-filter, washable carbon filter, true HEPA filter250 cfmfrom 27 dB360 sq ft
DREOaround $220pre-filter, H13 HEPA, activated carbon175 cfm 20 to 54 dB423 sq ft
ALEN$544True HEPA 13290 cfm42 to 56 dBup to 1,100 sq ft
Dyson$749.99HEPA, carbon filtrationno informationno information2,860 sq ft
Blueairaround $120pre-filter, HEPA, carbon filtration120 cfm46 dBfrom 161 to 772 sq ft

Medical News Today’s methodology

Medical News Today chooses products that meet the following criteria:

  • Price: MNT chooses products available for a range of budgets.
  • Size: MNT selects items to suit a range of room sizes.
  • Extra features: MNT chooses products with additional features, such as carbon filters, auto-shut-off timers, and filter replacement alerts.
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People can improve their indoor air quality by reducing sources of contamination, such as smoking.

While people can improve their indoor air quality, removing all harmful particles from the air is impossible. Just walking around the home and sitting on furniture can lead to 25% of indoor particulate matter concentrations.

A 2021 study showed that using air purifiers to remove dust can reduce concentrations of small particles by 12% to 52%.

When using air purifiers for dust removal, people should consider the filters they use.

According to the EPA, devices with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can remove 99.97% of airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns. These include dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria.

Learn more about HEPA air purifiers for dust.

Other features to consider when choosing an air purifier for dust include:

  • Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): Refers to the volume of particles the unit can filter in a set time, and it should match the size of the room where a person will use it.
  • Target use: Some air purifiers for dust work on removing particles, while others focus on gases. People looking for air purifiers for dust control should look for filters that target dust removal specifically.
  • Filters: Some devices feature numerous filters, so a person should check when they should replace them.
  • Fan speed: Some devices feature fans that adjust their speeds according to the pollutant levels. Their speed also lowers at night, so the unit does not disturb sleep.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that low outdoor air quality can be detrimental to health. While outdoor air quality has improved in the last 20 years, wildfire and particle pollution still pose a threat to American health.

However, indoor air quality may be worse than outdoor air quality.

Dust is one of the harmful pollutants people can find indoors. Dead skin cells, stray particulates, and dust mites form dust. According to the American Lung Association, these particles are major triggers for people with allergies and asthma.

Dust can also affect people who do not have allergies or asthma. House dust and its components may also contribute to respiratory infections, wheezing, and allergic respiratory diseases.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that while air purifiers for dust cannot remove all the air pollutants in a person’s home, they can improve air quality. All air purifiers for dust can remove particles from the air, and the more expensive ones can remove particles and gas.

For the best results, people should choose dust purifiers with an activated carbon filter and a longer running time. It is also important to only purchase dust purifiers that are the right size for the room where they will operate.

People may also find that removing sources of indoor air pollution alongside running an air purifier for dust will improve air quality. Stopping smoking indoors and ventilating the area with fresh air are just two ways of improving air quality in the home.

While air purifiers for dust can improve the air quality in the home, there are some risks.

People should avoid air purifiers for dust that produces ozone, which can irritate the lungs.

Bipolar ionization technology may produce ozone. However, air purifiers for dust that meet UL 2998 standard certification do not produce ozone.

All air purifiers for dust will need cleaning and filter changes regularly to be as effective and safe as possible.

The following are common questions and answers about air purifiers for dust.

According to the EPA, air purifiers draw in air through one or more filters to capture particles that may come from dust, tobacco smoke, or pet dander.

The EPA states that many air purifiers for dust can remove particles from the rooms where people place them. The devices need to be compatible with the size of the room for them to be effective.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, air cleaners can be effective in reducing allergy or asthma symptoms.

However, these improvements may not benefit all respiratory symptoms.

According to Consumer Reports, air purifiers for dust are expensive, with recommended models generally costing $200 to $900.

A person should also consider filter replacements, which can cost around $90 to $175 per year. Additionally, the annual energy cost of running an air purifier may range from around $30 to almost $90.

In addition, some units can be noisy and cause sleep disruptions.

Frequent dusting, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming can help reduce levels of dust in the air. People can also change and wash bedding regularly.

Air purifiers for dust can also help remove dust from the air. The EPA writes that air purifiers for dust with HEPA filters can remove 99.97% of airborne particles.

Air purifiers for dust can effectively remove dust indoors and improve asthma and allergy symptoms.

They come with different filters, but studies show that HEPA filters can remove most airborne particles, including pollen, mold, and bacteria.

A person should also choose a device compatible with their room size.