Masturbation does not seem to have any long-lasting effects on testosterone levels. However, masturbation may have short-term effects on the levels of this hormone. It also affects other factors, such as sex drive.

Masturbation does not typically pose risks to any other aspects of a person’s physical health.

In this article, we discuss the possible short-term and long-term effects of masturbation on testosterone levels. We also consider the results of abstinence, the influence of testosterone on sex drive, and signs of high and low testosterone.

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Researchers are interested in both the short-term and long-term effects of masturbation on testosterone levels. However, the research to date is limited and somewhat conflicting.

One reason for this is that it is difficult for scientists in a laboratory to recreate an environment in which people would typically masturbate.

A 2021 study on healthy young men suggested that masturbation may affect free testosterone levels but not hormonal ratios. Free testosterone describes testosterone that is not attached to proteins. This type of testosterone can act on body tissues, whereas the body cannot immediately use testosterone that is attached to proteins.

However, the researchers highlighted that further research into the topic is necessary, including studies involving female participants.

A small 2020 study investigated levels of testosterone, cortisol, and prolactin before, during, and after masturbation. The study authors measured the levels of these hormones before ejaculation, at the time of ejaculation, and 10 minutes after ejaculation.

They found that testosterone levels rose significantly at ejaculation and returned to pre-ejaculation levels 10 minutes later. Cortisol and prolactin levels rose before erection, at ejaculation, and continued to rise 10 minutes after.

One 2010 study used a United States sex club to evaluate changes in testosterone levels in response to sexual stimuli in a real-world setting.

The researchers compared the salivary testosterone levels in men who participated in sexual activity with those in men who only observed. While testosterone levels increased in all the men who visited the sex club, the increase was significantly higher in those who participated.

An earlier study from 1992 assessed the effects of sexual activity on testosterone levels in males and females. The researchers measured testosterone levels before and after intercourse and also on days when there was no sex.

In both groups, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity.

Research is still lacking regarding the long-term effects of masturbation on testosterone levels.

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There is some limited older research on the effect of abstinence on testosterone levels. Therefore, further large-scale studies into this topic are necessary.

An older study from 2001 measured hormone levels, including testosterone, during a masturbation-induced orgasm both before and after 3 weeks of abstinence from masturbation. Data revealed that testosterone levels were higher after the 3-week abstinence period.

Another 2001 study evaluated changes in testosterone levels in men with erectile dysfunction after they received nonhormonal treatment. At baseline, these participants had lower testosterone levels than those in the control group. However, the researchers found that testosterone levels increased in the men who resumed regular sexual activity after their treatment. Conversely, testosterone levels did not change in the men for whom treatment was ineffective.

There is also a popular theory that abstinence from sexual activity before participation in sports provides some benefit due to the influence of frustration. However, a lack of recent scientific research supports this idea.

Additionally, a 2021 study cited previous research that suggests masturbation is healthy behavior. The authors highlighted that despite this, some online communities encourage abstinence from masturbation according to unsubstantiated medical claims.

Testosterone has an influence on sex drive in males and females. Experts believe it to have a more significant effect on male sex drive due to naturally higher levels of testosterone. Of course, other factors play into this as well.

A 2012 study sought to find a link between saliva testosterone levels and sexual desire, whether alone or with a partner. For women, testosterone had a definite connection to masturbatory desire but a negative link to sexual desire with a partner.

Men showed a higher sexual desire than women. However, the researchers suggested that this was due to their higher frequency of masturbation rather than their testosterone levels.

A 2015 study evaluated the influence of hormones on the sexual function of more than 3,000 females transitioning to menopause. The researchers measured the levels of several different hormones, including testosterone, estradiol, and follicle-stimulating hormone.

Testosterone had a positive association with sexual desire and masturbation. However, the research found that follicle-stimulating hormone, which reaches elevated levels during menopause, reduced sexual function in women.

This section discusses different abnormalities in testosterone levels.

Low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels may cause many different signs and symptoms in males, including:

Doctors can treat males with low testosterone levels using extra testosterone that they administer via a patch, gel, or injection into a muscle.

While testosterone replacement may help with some of the symptoms of low testosterone, research has not shown that it consistently improves cardiovascular risk, mood, and sexual function. However, it appears to improve muscle strength.

High testosterone levels

It is uncommon for an adult male to have a disorder that causes high testosterone levels.

In young children, high levels of testosterone can lead to early puberty and possibly infertility.

Females with high testosterone levels may have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, particularly if they have these symptoms:

Masturbation does not seem to have any harmful effects on a person’s testosterone levels or general health.

Research on the relationship between masturbation and testosterone is somewhat limited, especially regarding the long-term effects. However, some studies suggest masturbation or other sexual activity may lead to a short-term increase in testosterone.

Limited older studies also suggest that short-term abstinence from sexual activity can increase testosterone levels.

People can treat low testosterone with replacement therapy. If a person has concerns about their testosterone levels, they can consult a doctor.